1 January 1970

Resonance / رنين الرِّياح

Curated by Munira Al Sayegh


رنين الرِّياح

By Maryam Namvar and Neda Salmanpour

Curated by Munira Al Sayegh

Commissioned by Alserkal Arts Foundation and Dubai Culture

Resonance is a site-specific sculptural installation situated along the creek in the historic Al Shindagha District, honouring its history of trade and cultural exchange.

Selected through an open call, Resonance emerges from extensive research into the district’s layered histories, contemporary realities, and density of lived experience. Comprising three delicately suspended metal panels, the installation sways with the wind, reflects the shifting light, and echoes the rhythms of the creek—drawing from the perpetual movement of water, trade, architecture, languages, and communities that have long shaped life along its banks.

Positioned between the creek and the houses of Al Shindagha, Resonance creates an interplay of visual, auditory, and spatial engagement, inviting visitors into a sensory dialogue with the past and present.

رنين الرِّياح،“ عملٌ نحتيٌّ تركيبيٌّ مُقامٌ على ضِفافِ الخور يُحاكي خصوصيَّة حيّ الشّندغة التَّاريخي—الحيّ الّذي صاغت رحابه قرونٌ من التِّجارة والتَّبادل الثَّقافي.

ينبثق ”رنين الرِّياح،“ الّذي اختير ضمن إطار دعوة مفتوحة، عن بحثٍ مُعمَّقٍ في الطِّبَاقِ التَّاريخيَّة لحيّ الشّندغة، وسرديَّات واقعه الرَّاهن، وتكاثف الحيّوات والخبرات المعيشة في رحابه. يتألَّف العمل من ثلاثة ألواحٍ معدنيَّة مُعلَّقة بدقةٍ رهيفةٍ تتمايلُ مع هبوب الرِّيح ونسائمها لتعكس تقلّبات الضّوء وتردّدات صدى الخور في محاكاةٍ لديمومة حركة المياه، والتِّجارة، والعمارة، واللّغات، والمجتمعات الّتي شكَّلت الحياة على هذه الضِّفاف.

مُنتصِبًا بين الخور وبيوت الشّندغة، يخلق ”رنين الرِّياح“ تفاعلًا بصريًّا وسمعيًّا ومكانيًّا داعيًا زوّاره إلى حوارٍ حسّيٍّ تتواشج فيه أصداء الماضي مع الحاضر.


Maryam Namvar is a graphic designer based in Dubai with a B.Sc in Visual Communication from the American University of Sharjah. Her interest lies in experimental typography, brand curation, and print mediums. Engaged in her research and exploration, she delves into topics of culture and social identity, while identifying gaps and filling them through a process-driven approach.

Neda Salmanpour is an award-winning architect and product designer, with a research-
based design process and a focus on regional design languages and mathematical patterns. She earned her degree in Architectural Engineering with distinction, and her academic research has received international recognition. As a co-founder of Taraf Design Studio, Neda leads projects that span diverse design disciplines, from architectural spaces to bespoke objects. Her work seeks to create a harmonious balance between honouring cultural heritage and reflecting contemporary values.

Munira Al Sayegh
is an independent curator and cultural instigator based in Abu Dhabi, UAE. She is the founder of Dirwaza Curatorial Lab, a UAE based curatorial incubator and cultural advisory. She is a published author and prominent public voice in the region, highlighting the importance of grassroots initiatives, narrative reclamation and noninstitutional thinking to build regional art movements from the bottom up. Her contributions can be traced back to NYU Abu Dhabi’s FIND project (2012), and she currently sits on the advisory board for the university’s art gallery. As a part of the Guggenheim Abu Dhabi team she collaboratively curated Guggenheim Abu Dhabi’s The Creative Act: Performance, Process, Presence (2017); her curatorial solo debut was Bayn: The In-Between (2017), the third edition of UAE Unlimited. Later, she curated the Talks Program in Abu Dhabi Art. In parallel, since 2014 she has joined and pioneered curatorial initiatives across Art Dubai, where she curated the Residents section (2019) and started the Now series, looking at non-government-funded creative platforms in the region. In 2020, she premiered The Cup and The Saucer, commissioned by 421 (Sheikha Salama bint Hamdan Foundation). In 2021 Al Sayegh debuted her first exhibition outside of the region Between the Sky and Earth, organized and hosted by the Middle East Institute in partnership with the NYUAD gallery. Since the launch of Dirwaza Curatorial Lab, Al Sayegh has led on the curation of various exhibitions including Leadership Pavilion Project (Expo2020, Dubai, 2020), Zemanna (Manarat Al Saadiyat, Abu Dhabi, 2022) and co-curated Hair Mapping Body; Body Mapping Land (ICD Brookfield, Dubai, 2021), In Process | In Progress (421, Abu Dhabi, 2022), While the Coffee Grounds Settle (Fathom Gallery, Washington D.C., 2022) and Evaporating Suns (KBH.G, Basel, 2023). Al Sayegh is also part of the UAE Ministry of Culture Visual Arts Committee as well as Dubai Collection’s Steering and Curatorial Committee.

مريم نامور

مُصمِّمة جرافيكيَّة مُقيمة في دبي، حاصلة على اللَّقب الجامعي الأوَّل في التّواصل البصري من الجامعة الأمريكيَّة في الشّارقة. يمتدّ نطاق اهتماماتها إلى التّصميم الطِّباعيّ التّجريبي، وتنسيق الهويّات البصريَّة للعلامات التّجاريَّة، واستكشاف وسائط الطِّباعة. تنخرط نامور أيضًا في البحث والاستقصاء متوغّلةً في غمار قضايا الثّقافة والهويّة الاجتماعيّة بالتّوازي مع رصد الفجوات وجسرها بالاعتماد على نهجٍ عَمَليَّاتي المُحرِّك والارتكاز.

ندا سلمان بور

معماريّة ومُصمّمة مُنتجات حاصلة على عدَّة جوائز تتبنّى نهجًا تصميميًّا يرتكز إلى جهدٍ بحثيٍّ مع التَّركيز على لغات التّصميم والأنماط الرّياضيَّة في المنطقة. نالت درجة الهندسة المعماريّة بامتياز، وحظيت جهودها الأكاديميّة بتقدير دوليٍّ وازن. بصفتها إحدى مؤسّسي استوديو ترف للتصميم، تقود سلمان بور تنفيذ مشاريع عابرة لعدِّة حقول تصميميّة—من الفضاءات المعماريّة إلى تصميم القطع المُفصَّلَّة حسب الطّلب في محاولةٍ تصبو لتحقيق التّوازن بين الاحتفاء بالإرث الثّقافي وتجسيد قيم المُعَاصَرَة.

منيرة الصّايغ

قيّمة مستقلّة ومؤثِّرة ومحفِّزة ثقافيِّة تُقِيم في أبو ظبي، الإمارات العربيّة المتحدة. أسّست مختبر دروازة للتقييم الفنِّي—وهو مِنصَّة وحاضنة قيّميَّة استشاريَّة مقرّها أبو ظبي. كتبت الصّايغ العديد من النّصوص عن أهمِّيَّة المبادرات القاعديَّة، واستعادة زمام صياغة السّرديّات، والتّفكير غير المؤسّسي في بناء حركات فنِّيَّة إقليميَّة قاعديَّة المُنطَلَق. أسهمت الصّايغ أيضًا في مشروع ”فايند“ التَّابع لجامعة نيويورك أبو ظبي (2012)، حيث تشغل أيضًا منصب عضو المجلس الاستشاريّ للرواق الفنِّي بالجامعة.

ضمن إطار عملها في متحف جوجنهايم أبو ظبي، شاركت الصَّايغ في تقييم معرض ”مسارات إبداعيَّة: تفاعُل، تشكيل، تواجد“ في 2017. وفي العام ذاته، أُقيم أوّل معرض فنّي من تقييمها الفردي تحت عنوان ”بين،“ وهو النّسخة الثّالثة من معارض مِنصَّة ”أ.ع. م. اللّامحدودة.“ لاحقًا تولّت تنسيق برنامج حوريّات فن أبو ظبي. ومنذ عام 2014، تولّت دورًا محوريًّا في تطوير جُملة من المبادرات القيّميّة الفنيّة مع آرت دبي، حيث أدارت قسم المقيمين (2019)، فضلًا عن بدئها سلسلة ”الآن،“ التي تُضيء على منصّاتٍ إبداعيّةٍ أهليَّةِ التّمويل في المنطقة.

في عام 2020، أطلقت الصّايغ معرض ”التَّأرجُح: سياقات عبثيَّة“ بتكليفٍ من مَجمع 421 للفنون (مؤسّسة الشّيخة سلامة بنت حمدان آل نهيان). وبعد ذلك بعام، أُطلِقَ أوّل المعارض الّتي تتولّى تقييمها خارج المنطقة ”ما بين السّماء والأرض“ بتنظيم غاليري معهد الشّرق الأوسط للفنون بالتَّعاون مع جامعة نيويورك أبو ظبي.

مُنذ إطلاقها مختبر دروازة للتقييم الفنِّي، توّلت الصّايغ تقييم عدد من المعارض، مِنها مشروع ”جناح الرِّيادة“ ضمِن إكسبو دبي 2020، ومعرض ”زمنّا: لنسترجع ذكريات التّسعينات،“ فضلًا عن مشاركتها في تقييم ”شعر يحاكي الجسد؛ جسد يحاكي الأرض“ في رحاب آي. سي. دي. بروكفيلد (دبي، 2021)، ”وجاري العمل: جاري التّنفيذ“ في مَجمع 421 للفنون (أبو ظبي، 2022)، ”وبينما تُعدّ القهوة: حكايات ترويها فنّانات من الإمارات“ في صالة فَذِمْ للفنون (واشنطن، 2022)، ”وشموس متبخِّرة: أساطير معاصرة من الخليج العربي“ في مؤسّسة بازل غَايغِر الثّقافيَّة (بازل، 2023).

تشغل الصايغ أيضًا عضويّة لجنة الفنون البصريّة في وزارة الثَّقافة الإماراتيَّة ولجنة التّوجيه والتّقييم الفنِّي بمجموعة ”مقتنيات دبي.“

Enjoy Your Freedom Outside
Uma Bista points her lens at the patriarchy while searching for identity, gender equality and freedom from cultural confinement.
From Peace to Protest
Tavish Gunasena, a fine art and documentary photographer has built up a body of work from around his paradise island, but found himself in the middle of the frenzy, capturing the rage and bravery of his people. We chart his journey from peace to protest in this photo essay.
Homecoming | A Space For You
“One never begins in a pure space, but rather on a surface saturated with images and unexpressed thoughts.” - Seloua Luste Boulbina
Visual Hunger
Artist Sondos Azzam explores the underbelly of our gastronomic longings
In Her Country
A series of portraits attempting to examine the relationship between a woman and her practice
Spoons Out of Water
What is sacred to the dining table is reduced to its form and colour in this photo series by Sondos Azzam
Fruit Scans
A photo series that challenges our perception of food by distorting the familiar
Abandoned: When a Crisis Allows Nature Back In
Series of photographs documenting the impacts of continual human manipulation of the UAE's natural landscapes
How our urban environment shapes nature and our individual activities within these spaces
Precarious Existence
The Magnum Foundation commissioned these images of Dubai residents hit hardest by the pandemic
An Outlook on Change
Featuring: Nataša Petrešin-Bachelez (curator, educator, writer), Lara Rudar (artist, filmmaker, environmental advocate), Philip Mawn Maughan (writer, editor, co-founder, black almanac).
Hybrid senses - Slow Art Tour
The sound trail is from Asma Belhamar’s slow tour that took place in Custot Gallery and Green Art Gallery. The slow tour sheds light on different ways of preserving art by activating senses. The tour focuses on observational methods using tools such as art and design principals to achieve a collective experience.
Burning Issues
Episode 02 of Cultures in Conversation programmed by Alserkal: Preludes & Postscripts
Humanising Cities
Featuring: Vilma Jurkute (Executive Director, Alserkal), Charles Landry (author and international authority on urban change),  Rupali Gupte & Prasad Shetty (co-founders Bard Studio, founding members School of Environment and Architecture), and  Hamed Bukhamseen (Co-founder, Civil Architecture). PART OF  CULTURES IN CONVERSATION: PRELUDES & POSTSCRIPTS. The brand new series with Alserkal and powered by afikra. Cultures in Conversation is commissioned by Expo2020 Dubai and programmed by Alserkal
A Force To Reckon With: Manal Aldowayan
A conversation with one of Saudi Arabia's most significant artists about her evolving methodologies, the shifting significance of her work, and the thought behind her practice
Architecture Meets Nature: While We Wait
A conversation with award-winning designers Yousef and Elias Anastas about their latest installation piece, While We Wait.
Alserkal Avenue | The First Decade (Part 2)
A conversation with the creative visionaries and cultural entrepreneurs who have partnered with Alserkal Avenue over the past decade.
Alserkal Avenue | The First Decade (Part 1)
A conversation with the creative visionaries and cultural entrepreneurs who have partnered with Alserkal Avenue over the past decade.
Turning The Spotlight On UAE-Based Emerging Artists
A conversation with UAE Unlimited Executive Director Shobha Shamdsani
Humanity as Refuge II
A conversation with Fabric(ated) Fractures curator Diana Campbell Betancourt and participating artists
Humanity as Refuge I
A conversation with Fabric(ated) Fractures curator Diana Campbell Betancourt and participating artists
Hassan Hajjaj: Carte Blanche
Fari Bradley in conversation with Hassan Hajjaj prior to his show at Paris’s Maison Européenne de la Photographie
Soothing the Soothsayers
A conversation with arts writer Kevin Jones, curator of the Foretold Now summer programme
What is the role of the artist in society?
In the context of shifting definitions surrounding the role that the artist plays in nation building and place-making, Stephen Hobbs (Director of Johannesburg’s The Trinity Session) and Laila Binbrek (Coordinating Director of the National Pavilion UAE la Biennale di Venezia) unpack insights that reflect on current trends and possible futures.
A closer look with Azza Al Qubaisi
A closer look at Emirati artist Azza Al Qubaisi's multi-layered works titled 'Between the Dune Lines', which effortlessly captures the mysteries, shapes, patterns and textures of the desert landscape; as well as cultural memories, stories and motifs from the past. Using materials inspired by the deep roots of her heritage, Azza invites the observer to develop a sensory intimacy with her works and her journeys. 'Between the Dune Lines' is on display at Leila Heller Gallery until 15 December 2022. #artintothenight
A closer look with Nathaniel Rackowe
Nathaniel Rackowe's practice spans public art, installation, sculpture, contemporary dance and painting, investigating form and materiality through his observations of light and its effect on our experiences of urban spaces. In his exhibition titled 'Fractured Landscapes', Rackowe considers the notion of light as a reflector - artificial and natural; exploring how light bounces across objects to guide our sensation of space, material and colour. 'Fractured Landscapes' is on view at Lawrie Shabibi until 4 November 2022. #artintothenight
A closer look with Kais Salman
Kais Salman's 'Fables in the Unknown' represents a wide expanse of powerful vivid emotions and sentiments. Charges of positive and negative thoughts, feelings, and energy are projected onto the canvas, unfolding compositions through light and finding meaning in the dark. With a sharp focus on sarcasm, the dark humour reflected in his body of work is meant to enlighten reality and envision a better place. 'Fables in the Unknown' is on show at Ayyam Gallery until 1 November 2022. #artintothenight
A closer look with Sarah Almehairi
In 'When the Ground Was', Sarah Almehairi takes us along for a walk. Concrete floor sculptures and works on paper and canvas become visual pathfinders, each a portal to another story. Sometimes architectural, other times cartographic, together, they toy with the notion of scale and perception. And then, somewhere, Sarah's body of work appears as a prompt - a starting point for many things - a poem, a guide, an invitation, but most significantly, a process of unlearning, where she gently nudges viewers to deconstruct things they believed to be true, sensitising them to connect with their environment in new, distinct ways. 'When the Ground Was' is on show in Carbon 12 until 1 November 2022. #artintothenight
Imploded, burned, turned to ash
Multiple screenings of recorded drawing and sound performance throughout Refugee Week from 20-26 June 2022
Sneak peak of An Outlook on Change
Episode 03 - Cultures Conversation Preludes and Postscripts: The brand new series with Alserkal and powered by afikra.
Concrete Closed Sessions | Nujoom Alghanem
In this third iteration of Concrete Closed Sessions, Nujoom Alghanem performs her poem "I Found My Way to You", which was part of her artistic intervention at our second Cultures in Conversation event "Never Be Lost: Learn to Read the Stars" for space week at Expo 2020
JAFR. The Alchemy of Signs by Nja Mahdaoui | Elmarsa Gallery
Artist Nja Mahdaoui speaks about JAFR. The Alchemy of Signs, his third solo exhibition at Elmarsa Gallery during Alserkal Art Week in March 2022
Sneak peak of Burning Issues
Cultures Conversation Preludes and Postscripts: The brand new series with Alserkal and powered by afikra.
Vikram Divecha's "El dorado"
Artist Vikram Divecha speaks about his solo exhibition on show at Gallery Isabelle van den Eynde during Alserkal Art Week in March 2022
Listening Pause
Intangible Cultural Heritage as a focus for Vision 2071
A – B = C (The image interrogated)
a triptych of projections capturing movement and time
Cultures in Conversation | Openness and the Path to Prosperity
An intimate and engaging conversation between two of the UAE’s leading champions of cultural and public diplomacy, hosted by the UAE Pavilion.
A Poem, A Garden
Watch Augustine Paredes' performance during the December Jubilee celebrations
The Alphabetics of the Barista Part II
Watch Moza Almatrooshi's performance at Le Guepard, Alserkal Avenue
Sneak peak of Humanising Cities
Cultures Conversation Preludes and Postscripts: The brand new series with Alserkal and powered by afikra.
Alserkal Insider | Nightjar Coffee Roasters with Leon Surynt
We went to Nightjar for coffee but found Leon.
Cultures in Conversation | Never Be Lost: Learn to Read the Stars
The cultural imagination of the celestial and how important systems of knowledge have been passed down through literature, memory, and oral narratives, continuing to hold meaning as we imagine space futures.
Cultures in Conversation | Climate change in the classroom, living room, street and beyond
We live at the epicentre of an ecological catastrophe with unimaginable consequences.
Concrete Closed Sessions: Danabelle Gutierrez and Charlie119
Filipino poet Danabelle Gutierrez collaborates with all-sibling band Charlie119 on an improvisational performance of poetry.
Concrete Closed Sessions: Inam & Friends
A musical gathering around Qawwali music
Safina Radio Project: Venice
From 6-8 May 2015, Alserkal created an itinerant space on the waterways of Venice
"Under": A Video Documentation
Under is Hale Tenger’s first major public work in Dubai commissioned by Alserkal, guest curated by Mari Spirito of Protocinema
While We Wait
An immersive installation by Bethlehem-based architects about the cultural claim over nature in Palestine
Adapt to Survive: Notes from the Future
Curator Dr. Cliff Lauson and artist Youmna Chlala discuss the need of adaptation for survival
Noria: Circulation Of People In Systems
Investigating how societies influence and mould us through systems of social politics, particularly in South Korea
When the Band Comes Marching In
A work by Block Universe, supported by Alserkal, questions the power structures of the Venice Biennale
Curriculum II
The follow-up to 2020's Introductory Curriculum for Reparations revealed
Echo Holdings x Synthanatos
This edition of Echo Holdings, artist Isaac Sullivan’s context-shifting series of hybrid live sets and collaborative lecture performances, features vocals by independent researcher Dana Dawud and takes up a machinic sense of the psychoanalytic death drive. Here, an uncanny ambiguity between recorded and live speech, and a seemingly infinite field of images within images, produces an ecstatic blurring of presence and asynchrony as we negotiate a sonic palette alternately sparkling and ragged.
Dayanita Singh in Conversation
Dayanita Singh discusses her body of work with curator Nada Raza
Resonance / رنين الرِّياح
Presented in collaboration with Alserkal Arts Foundation and Dubai Culture & Arts Authority
Lawrence Abu Hamdan on the intersection of sound, politics, and the environment.
Research Convening 2024
Domestic Departures
Research Rooms
UAE based researchers make their home at the Foundation studios for the summer.
Alserkal Spotlight: Radical Contemporary Podcast
This Sustainability Spotlight mini-series is in collaboration with Alserkal Avenue and hosted by Radical Contemporary founder Nour Hassan.
The Greening Story
In reimagining the Avenue’s public spaces, we wanted not only to reinstate the primacy of vanished plants as a necessary gesture of horticultural de-colonisation, but also to humanise our spaces of congregation as a sincere act of hospitality.
Abu Fadi
Life provided him with an abundance of reasons to surrender, but he never backed down.
Fathi Ghabin: A Self-Portrait of the Working-Class
A self-taught artist, Ghabin prefers the intimacy of painting with his fingers over the intermediary of a brush. He paints for eight hours every day from the comfort of his humble home, surrounded by the play, laughter, and shouts of his 8 children.
Stepping Forward
View the complete public programme from our archives.
Radical Podcast x Alserkal Avenue Mini Series
The series of 6 episodes spotlights risk-taking entrepreneurs from the Alserkal Avenue community, sharing the stories of founders from multidisciplinary backgrounds.
Rewilding the Kitchen
Take a closer look at the experiments and stories that inspired the final culmination of the eight week long culinary programme.
Haroon Mirza: Deciphering Nuance
Haroon Mirza had sifted through many iterations of defining his practice before he came to notice that his true medium is electricity.
A Feral Commons
The inaugural cycle of the Global Co-commission project, A Feral Commons, is underway and Alserkal Avenue is one of three cultural districts participating under the theme of climate change.
The Global Co-Commission
The Global Co-commission project, spearheaded by Alserkal Advisory, in collaboration with the Global Cultural Districts Network, unites three cultural districts across three continents: Alserkal Avenue in Dubai, Kingston Creative in Kingston, Jamaica, and Victoria Yards in Johannesburg, South Africa, in a collective response to the global climate crisis.
What We're Listening To
What arts and cultural podcasts do the Alserkal team listen to, we hear you ask? Wonder no more!
Cultures in Conversation by Alserkal Advisory
Reflections on Cultures in Conversation, a programme Commissioned by Expo2020 and programmed by Alserkal Advisory that consisted of ten theme weeks of events and interventions that challenge the typical ‘talks’ format.
Indie Publishers III Women Powered Platforms
Part III of our series on indie publishers focuses on women-run labels whose focus is peer learning and community growth.
Making History: A Study of Archives
Historic archives feed our identity and origin stories. But who builds them?
Adverse Poetries
Despite a painful upbringing in foster care, poet Lemn Sissay espouses hope, power and light in his writing.
Letter from Hollywood: How RRR Redefined Global Pop
We chart the global and cultural impact of Telugu film ‘RRR’ in a post-pandemic, streaming world.
An Orchestration of Magic
From Booker and Nobel winners to feminism, filmmaking and poetry, an author’s diary from the 16th Jaipur Literature Festival.
Beyond the Measure of Time
Sheba Chhachhi and Mariah Lookman discuss time, activism and the digital age.
The Tree School Chronicles
A day-by-day written response to the four Tree school sessions from Monday 27 February - Thursday 2 March, 2023.
The Street Came First
Three photographers capture life and work in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa
The Myth about Maths
World-renowned mathematician and author Marcus du Sautoy talks to Perspectives about how maths can help us hack life, understand AI better, and solve the riddles of the universe.
Questioning Sound
Can archaeology help us reassess our experience of sound?
Ink, Paper, Alchemy II
In an era of digital publishing, working with ink, paper, and print is a daunting art form that requires pluck, business acumen, resilience and constant funding. Small-to-medium publishers often face rising odds in curating, creating and distributing beautifully produced works of text, photography and illustration on paper. The results, however, are often breathtaking, made all the more desirable by small print runs, lack of reprints, or modest distribution channels. With a number of small publishers still holding steady against digital publishing’s onslaught in South West Asia, Africa and South Asia, Saira Ansari goes in search of the remaining alchemists of print.
Turn On, Tune In
Six virtuosic albums on vinyl that capture the evolution of recorded music through the ages.
Saint Levant: Home-maker
Palestinian, French and Serbian rapper Saint Levant seeks home in his lyrics and music.
What did we gain at COP27?
Beyond its talking shop reputation, what were our key takeaways for the region at the latest climate summit?
Insights from Istanbul
Does the 17th Istanbul Biennial deliver on its curatorial promise?
Ink, Paper, Alchemy
In search of the indie alchemists of print publishing in the region
In Close Quarters
A photo essay by Shama Nair on the visual language of memory and belonging.
Fahd Burki and Ala Ebtekar Take to the Skies
Three public installations question daily rituals and time.
Pop Power
‘Pop South Asia’ stakes a claim to the art form
Dreaming Awake
The Pakistani pop-folk duo, the Justin Bibis, make a comeback.
Arab Cinema in One Week
Our critic takes a journey through Arab Cinema Week with Rabih El-Khoury.
Machining the Dream
Will AI art end the careers of human artists?
Mud, Minarets, and Meaningless Events | A research convening
What is multidisciplinary research in the arts? Why is it important to support projects that are imaginative and experimental, and how might they engage with a wider public?
Voice Notes from Venice
A journal of sights and sounds from the 59th International Art Exhibition
The Poetics of Partition
In a trilogy of animated films entitled Lost Migrations, a refugee crossing South Asia’s lines of 1947, transforms into a weightless paper plane.
Disrupting the Pattern
How practices of care can oppose the climate crisis
New world order
Can geo-politics in the boardroom and on the battlefield stop pop music?
Discomfort is the Only Constant
Seeking identity through poetry and hip-hop
A Reality Check for Indian Love
Mansi Choksi’s Newlyweds explores the challenges of forbidden love for India’s youth.
Resistance is futile: how I learned to appreciate the e-scooter
Perspective by Troy Pieper on how he learned to appreciate the e-scooter
The Technological Body
This third and final installment of the curatorial narrative linking corporeal depictions by young GCC-based artists will consider how technology expands, projects and amplifies the artist’s body. Mediation becomes a means of re-materializing the body and the negative spaces it inhabits in virtual space. Through distortions, duplications, glitches, and the act of voicing the machinic, the body moves beyond digital circuitry—deconstructed into a language of gestures, and forms.
Youth and Change
Experiences from the Youth Climate Movement
A Tour through A Supplementary Country Called Cinema
A reflection on A Supplementary Country Called Cinema, a film programme that was a prelude to the exhibition A Slightly Curving Place, curated by Nida Ghouse and programmed by Alserkal Arts Foundation
Rewilding the Kitchen | Joori Wa Loomi by Moza AlMatrooshi
Curator and artist Nahla Al Tabbaa converses with conceptual artist, writer, and chef Moza AlMatrooshi
On Tolerance
Tolerance in the UAE is largely owed to the country’s multiculturalism. A national virtue, it is also synonymous with the UAE’s founder, HH Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan.
A Slightly Curving Place
Curated by Nida Ghouse
Layer upon Layer
A dive into the layers behind "Wamda : A Glimpse", UAE Unlimited's retrospective exhibition showcasing the works of UAE-based artists during Alserkal Art Week
A Walk through ICD Brookfield
A deeper insight into the exhibition Hair Mapping Body; Body Mapping Land at ICD Brookfield Place
Earth to Humans
Rania Habib takes us through the presence of the Earth and Sustainability at this year's Quoz Arts Fest
Overheard at WCCE
Read some of the questions explored in the World Conference on Creative Economy
Digital Druidism
an artistic intervention
Why I Don’t Blame Institutions Anymore
An argument for how to find optimism in place of frustration in the local cultural institutional landscape
Open Studios: Still Lives
Explore the studios of Alserkal Arts Foundation's three artists-in-residence
An Incomplete History of Cinema, Part 3
For the final part of this series, we look at the past decade, the current state of cinema exhibition and the ongoing mission of filling the gaps in UAE’s cinema heritage
Hair Mapping Body; Body Mapping Land
Hair Mapping Body; Body Mapping Land, an exhibition at ICD Brookfield Place from 10 November to 19 December 2021, Programmed by Alserkal Advisory
Cultures in Conversation Blog
Reflections on Cultures in Conversation, a programme Commissioned by Expo2020 and programmed by Alserkal that consists of ten theme weeks of events and interventions that challenge the typical ‘talks’ format.
Rewilding the Kitchen | Mastic Fizz by Salma Serry
Curator and artist Nahla Al Tabbaa converses with filmmaker and interdisciplinary foodways researcher Salma Serry about Mastic and its connections to UAE's history
Who Owns Yoga?
The warrior poses and sun salutations practiced in yoga studios around the world aren’t mentioned in any ancient yoga text. If that disconnect is a direct result of colonial influences, should we feel anxious about the authenticity of our modern yoga practices?
The Tower by Wilf Speller
Compiled entirely out of footage appropriated from luxury real estate advertisements
The Suffering Body
Part two of a curatorial narrative around the absent, suffering and technological body in contemporary works by GCC-based artists
August Observations
Personal archives are fraught sites filled with memories and stories that drag us into the past. How does a writer respond to a letter he receives years after it is written? The result is an exploration of the gaps and elisions laid bare by forgotten memories and unspoken sentiments.
Rewilding the Kitchen | Recipe No. 1 | Barri by Namliyeh
Curator and artist Nahla Al Tabbaa savours unlearning traditional food narratives with ethnobotanists Namliyeh
The Wedding Project
An online / offline audiovisual trail of celebratory wedding music
On Emirati Women
An insight into the practices of Emirati women challenging notions within their professional fields
The Alserkal Ecology Reader | Three Lectures on Architecture and Landscape in the Gulf
The Alserkal Ecology Reader is a compilation of three lectures held in 2018 and 2019 in relation to Civil Architecture’s residency at Alserkal Arts Foundation. These three lectures form a summary of on-going issues in the discipline and are intended to be a loose primer for architects in the Gulf.
The Absent Body
Mapping disembodiment and performativity among GCC artists
Three Conversation Pieces III
As India continues to find its bearings amidst COVID tumult, Aveek Sen explores how his own conversations have become at once more vital, yet oddly unfamiliar
An Incomplete History of UAE Cinemas, Part 2
In Part 2 of her Incomplete History, Mezaina explores the rise of the multiplex model, film festivals, and the creation of alternative viewing spaces in the 2000s.
Design as a Wrapper
Designer and educator Zena Adhami explores the dangers of assumptions when designing for communities
Three Conversation Pieces II
As India continues to find its bearings amidst COVID tumult, Aveek Sen explores how his own conversations have become at once more vital, yet oddly unfamiliar
Engaging Audiences
Muscat-based artist Majeda Alhinai considers how viewers become part of artworks
Three Conversation Pieces I
As India continues to find its bearings amidst COVID tumult, Aveek Sen explores how his own conversations have become at once more vital, yet oddly unfamiliar
Every day I wake up and...
A chronicle of daily conversations with artists Sandi Hilal
Ways of Seeing
Palestinian artist Samia Halaby's approach to painting reveals her precise complex process, astute peripheral sensibilities, and why abstraction is the only movement left unexploited.
An Introductory Curriculum for Reparations
An informational response by our community on the Black Lives Matter Movement
The Africa Connection
As the global art world shines a light on Africa, Rebecca Anne Proctor writes on the growing dialogue between the Middle East and Africa
Chaos, Love, and Enigmas
Malaysian artist Hasanul Isyraf Idris tackles his homeland’s multiculturalism through densely populated compositions that engage episodic memory, manifested by mythological through to Sci-Fi imagery
The First Collectors
The role of the artist in relation to collecting is reconsidered
Q&A: Hale Tenger And Mari Spirito
'Under' is Hale Tenger's first major commission in almost a decade, on view at The Yard in 2018
Re-Examining The Role Of The Museum In Society
The 2017 CiMAM Annual Conference brought together museum professionals from around the world to re-evaluate the public functions of museums.
Living Under The Net
Hale Tenger's 'Under' asks us what beliefs we accept without question and what our potential could be without such self-imposed restrictions.
Slippery Modernism
A review of Building Bauhaus, Jean-Paul Najar Foundation’s tribute to the German art school’s centenary – with a regional twist.
A Modern History
Nancy Lorenz’s exhibition 'Silver Moon' at Leila Heller Gallery presents a complex craft-meets-contemporary body of work that references Japanese tradition and Abstract Expressionism
Is This Tomorrow?
Whitechapel Gallery curator Lydia Yee explores the works of five pairings of artists and architects
The Making of a Ruin
A public art commission by the artist collective METASITU welcomed visitors to a post-apocalyptic ruin
Hydrogen Helium
A sound installation first realised in a residency at Alserkal Arts Foundation
The Fabric of Fractures
Exploring ‘sensitive spaces' that challenge ideas of nation, state, and territory
Fabric(ated) Fractures
A collaboration with Samdani Art Foundation, challenging ideas of nation, state, and territory
How Will We Return?
Dialogues between cultural practitioners & scholars from the Alserkal Arts Foundation network
Collaborative Co-existence
A six-week series screenings, workshops, performances, and exhibitions around the theme of maintenance
Connecting Syria to the World
Director Shireen Atassi expands on Atassi Foundation efforts
Mohamed Melehi And The Casablanca Art School Archives
Works by major figure in postcolonial Moroccan art showcased at Concrete
Will the Fashion Industry Ever Truly Be Sustainable?
Founder of clothing brand One and Four speaks about sustainable practices
Why Institutions Now
What contemporary arts institutions might become in the future
A Letter
Micro-fiction by Amrita Shergar to inaugurate's new showcase for creative writing
Connecting Cultures Through Contemporary Art
Sheikha Hoor Al Qasimi shares her thoughts on curating the second edition of the Lahore Biennale
One-on-One with Nabila Abdel Nabi
A conversation with Nabila Abdel Nabi, Tate Modern's first MENA curator
Mystical Warriors
The works in Reza Derakshani’s latest show at Leila Heller Gallery reveal the mystical connections between the artist’s time in Russia, and the forgotten tales and symbolism of his Iranian heritage
Is This Tomorrow? Art vs Architecture
Architecture and arts writers experience the show from their own perspectives
At the Confluence of Art and Industry
Architect, designer, and writer Edwin Heathcote reflects on Concrete’s significance
Poetry In Motion
Nujoom Al Ghanem fuses poetry and filmmaking for 'Passages', a reflection on the universal experience of displacement and alienation. The Emirati poet and director speaks to Melissa Gronlund about her solo presentation for the National Pavilion UAE at the 58th Venice Biennale
The Lighthouse Podcast x Vilma Jurkute
Alserkal's Executive Director Vilma Jurkute sat down with Hashem Montasser, creator of The Lighthouse Podcast, to share her experience in developing Alserkal Avenue as the leading arts & culture district in the region.
Cape Town: A New Capital for Art
The eighth edition of Investec Cape Town Art Fair took place in February against an uneasy socio-economic backdrop — concluding in solid sales, and a newfound zeal for multiculturalism.
METASITU in conversation with Ghada Yaiche
Artist collective in discussion with an architect on urban and ruin
Drone Go Chasing Waterfalls
Thoughts on Stephanie Comilang’s film Lumapit Sa Akin, Paraiso (Come to Me, Paradise)
An Incomplete History of UAE Cinemas, Part 1
In Part 1, Dubai-based writer Mezaina examines independent cinemas pre-multiplex days
The Overseas Filipino Artist
Fresh insights on Filipino artists in Dubai through the lens of Sa Tahanan Collective founder
An Artistic Meditation
On Mohamed Ahmed Ibrahim’s practice, about the mind, its subconscious and space.