22 September 2024

Unreal Audio

A workshop with audio investigator Fabio Cervi

Warehouse 50, Project Space

Starts 2:00 pm

Ends 4:00 pm

Venue Warehouse 50, Project Space


Led by Fabio Cervi, audio investigator at, Unreal Audio is a practical workshop and presentation on the potential of video game engines for creating novel listening environments.

Cervi led the development of the video game simulation that is the central repository for Zifzafa, created as a means of demonstrating the potentially devastating sonic impact of large-scale wind turbines for the Syrian Jawlani community in the occupied Golan Heights. If the wind-farm is built, this simulation will serve as a sonic archive, where the soundscape of their present lives on this land will remain audible.

This workshop will introduce participants to the ways in which Earshot is using the cutting edge digital technologies, such as advanced 3D simulation and machine and deep learning algorithms to advance human rights and environmental advocacy. Participants will leave with a deeper understanding of how to implement these new technical and aesthetic possibilities into the fields of journalism, activism and art.

The session will take place on Sunday, September 22 2024 at 2PM at Warehouse 50, Alserkal Arts Foundation's Project Space.

Click here to register.

About Fabio Claudio Cervi

Audio Investigator at Earshot, Cervi studied at the Royal College of Art in London where he received a Master of Arts degree in Architecture. His work explores the visualisation of sound and acoustic phenomenon through architectural design and 3D modelling programs. Cervi has undertaken specialised coursework in Forensic Audio Enhancement at the University of Colorado. As an investigator aat Earshot, Cervi has worked on over 18 cases including for leading human rights organisations such as B'tselem, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. Cervi furthers Earshot's mandate to produce original research by developing digital tools for audio ballistic and eco acoustic application.

Image credits: Lawrence Abu Hamdan. Zifzafa, 2024. Stills from virtual reality audio platform. Courtesy of the artist.