18 May 2022–8 June 2022

The Art of Murals

Wonders of the Natural World

The Art of Murals
The Art of Murals
Wisdom Warehouse

This workshop is going to be HUGE! Literally! Kids create their very own mural in the four-part workshop. From conceptualization to a finished mural, this artistic journey will have their imagination running wild.

Starts 18 May 2022

Ends 8 June 2022

Venue Wisdom Warehouse

Warehouse 61

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Walking trees in the Amazon Rainforest, singing sand dunes in the Sahara desert... This workshop is going to be HUGE! Literally! Create your very own mural in this four-part workshop. From conceptualization to a finished mural, the artistic journey will have your imagination running wild.

Our budding muralists will plan, design, and create their very own giant mural based on the wonders of the natural world. This giant art project will consist of a series of workshops (May 11, 18, 25, and June 1) that inspire creativity and wonder in the students.

*Please note that this is a four-week commitment.

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