Fitness & Wellness
7 March 2022

Sound Healing (Gongs)

Every Monday 7-8pm

DNA Health & Wellness & The Chi Room

Sound healing has been used by various cultures for thousands of years as a tool for healing and works primarily through the principles of entrainment and resonant frequency.

Starts 7:00 pm

Venue DNA Health & Wellness & The Chi Room

Warehouse 80


The beautiful thing about a sound healing session is that you get to do nothing. Simply lie down, get comfortable and relax to the soothing sound healing frequencies, you might even doze off or simply enjoy a much-needed break to relax and unwind.

Journey with sound healing

Sound has been utilised in various cultures for thousands of years as a tool for healing and works primarily through the principles of entrainment and resonant frequency. Entrainment through sound helps to shift our brainwave state and brainwaves typically fluctuate, by providing a stable frequency the brain can then attune to the frequency being played which can help down-shift our usual beta state (waking consciousness) to alpha (relaxed consciousness) and even theta (meditative) or delta (sleep) where deep healing can occur.

Sound healing also works with the theory of everything being made up of energy. Science now understands that atoms are not made up of physical matter but particles vibrating at various speeds creating different frequencies. As humans we are highly mutable, meaning our frequencies vary throughout the day and influenced by our interactions, what we eat, think, say or do.

When the bodies systems become stressed or compromised certain frequencies become out of tune and everything can become affected. With sound healing, utilising various instruments and tones, the body is gently brought back to its natural state of harmony.