19 November 2022

Slow Sound Walk | Soundscapes of the Avenue

The Yard

Join us for a slow walk exploring the soundscape of the Avenue with sound artist Safeya Alblooshi.

Starts 6:30 pm

Ends 7:30 pm

Venue The Yard

Register Now


In this new experimental series of slow walks, we invite designers, artists, writers, researchers, and critical thinkers to return to the space of the Avenue as a subject of their study. Encouraging participants to observe, read, and listen to their immediate built environments through unique creative prompts, these slow tours become site-specific projects that unfold as they are experienced.

This time, we are joined by sound artist Safeya Alblooshi who, through her own practice as well as collective observation, will guide participants to learn more about the soundscape of Alserkal Avenue.

About Safeya Alblooshi

Safeya Alblooshi experiments with sound in the realms of manipulated field recordings, experimental composition and participatory performance to engage with topics of conceptual narrative, environmental listening and interactivity in performance. In addition to performing at the annual Hekayah | The Story (2021) at the NYUAD Arts Center, Safeya has also done sound for live performance and moving image, such as Re|sound V in the Sharjah Arts Foundation (2020) and has collaborated in various soundscape projects, one of which was recently presented at the UAE programming of the Smithsonian Folklife Festival (2022). She has completed her BA in Music from NYU Abu Dhabi with a minor in Interactive Media in 2021.

The Slow Sound Walk will start at The Yard.