28 February 2023

Majlis Talks | Shifting the Paradigm

Part of Alserkal Art Week

Conversation between curators Gaith Abdullah and Lubnah Ansari and artist Fatima Ali looks towards the future of the Gulf and how we are trying to introduce greenery into our desert environment.

Starts 4:00 pm

Ends 4:30 pm

Venue The Yard

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On the occasion of the exhibition Overcoming the Colour Green—presented by Engage101, a platform dedicated to exhibiting and supporting independent Gulf-based artists—this conversation between curators Gaith Abdullah and Lubnah Ansari and artist Fatima Ali looks towards the future of the Gulf and how we are trying to introduce greenery into our desert environment.

28 February 2023
The Yard

About the Speakers

Gaith Abdulla is a writer, critic, and Gulf studies specialist based in Dubai. His research is multidisciplinary and is anchored in the socio-politics of the Gulf and its intersection with the region’s contemporary art and culture. He has published social, cultural and political commentary in local and international media, including CNN Arabic, Gulf News and Al-Monitor, and has authored peer-reviewed research papers and monographs. Gaith is invested in documenting contemporary art history in the UAE and the critical debates of the arts communities.

Lubnah Ansari (she/they) dissects notions of the personal and political with fervent curiosity. Utilising their multidisciplinary skills and feminist ethnographic frameworks, the artist and researcher explores practices of love as resistance. The NYU Abu Dhabi graduate has immersed herself in the roles of both insider and outsider and her work urges you to tap into your compassion. She is part of The Assembly at Jameel Arts Centre and is a postgraduate research fellow at NYU Abu Dhabi.

About Majlis Talks

Majlis Talks, curated by Mahnaz Fancy, bring together artists, curators, researchers and art-world professionals for an evening of thoughtful and inspiring conversations.

The majlis has always provided the necessary form to plant the seeds of connections; a common ground for discussion and sharing. From the majlis we begin a convergence of differences, mingling vantage points, allowing new questions to rise.

Starting at 4pm on 28 February 2023 and running across six 25-minute sessions, this year’s Majlis Talks will see conversations with Fatima Ali, Lubnah Ansari, Loa Haagen Pictet, Nadine Abdel Ghaffar, Sara Raza, Rana Begum, Dr Cliff Lauson and more.