26 February 2022
Resin on Tabletop
Ame Artistic Studio
Make your own Resin Art Side Table
Resin is suitable processing material for artwork and decoration. It is a popular material because it can be used in various shapes to create unique artworks such as paintings, tables, trays, coasters, etc.
It is a liquid glass-like material that turns to a thick, transparent, and glossy state after it dries, allowing the creation of unique pieces of art of various thicknesses.
In this workshop, participants will learn about resin, how to mix it in specific proportions, how to mix it with colors, and color molding techniques to make a complete side table.
This workshop is suitable for beginners and those with prior experience with resin.
Dimensions of the side table you'll make:Height: 55 cm Top: 45X55 cm
اصنع طاولتك الجانبيه الخاصه بك !! بمادة الريزن والكريستالات
مادة الراتنج (الريزن ) هي مادة معالجة مناسبة للأعمال الفنية والزخرفية ، وهي مادة شائعة لإمكانية استخدامها بأشكال مختلفة لإنشاءأعمال فنية فريدة مثل اللوحات والطاولات والصواني والكوسترات وغيرها
إنها مادة شبيهة بالزجاج السائل تتمتع بخصائص شفافة ولامعة وذات سمك عالٍ بعد أن تجف ، مما يتيح إنشاء قطع فنية فريدة بسماكات مختلفة .
في هذه الورشة ، سيتعرف المشاركون على مادة الراتنج ، وكيفية مزجها بنسب محددة ، وكيفية مزجها مع الألوان ، وتقنيات صب الألوان قطعة خشبيه لصنع طاولة جانبيه متكامله
هذه الورشه مناسبه للمبتدئين ومن لديهم خبره مسبقة بالريزن
What is resin?
Resin is a trending material, recently popular for its glossiness and unique mix of colors, and its ability to be applied to various surfaces such as wood, canvas, metal, and more.At this workshop, participants will be introduced to resin applicable to the artwork. You will learn how to mix resin with pigments and colors and learn how to apply it.Each participant will design and create a resin artwork that they will take home.About The InstructorBwader Basheer is an Artist & designer living in Dubai. Since 2016 she has started her Art & Design Studio: Bwader Art Studio, Based in Dubai.
She is creating original artwork pieces along with uniquely designed furniture and accessories.
Her artwork experiences are based on mixing and using different kinds of materials and medias. As she is using: Acrylic – alcoholic Ink and Resin to create her unique Art pieces with different shapes and sizes.
Her work is inspired by nature and architecture as most of her pieces are inspired by the movement of the ocean and the depth layers of the earth.