11 May 2023
PechaKucha | On Space
Etihad Museum
Join us for the 13th instalment of Contemporary Histories, the cultural season at the Etihad Museum.
Get ready to explore the mysteries of outer space in this exciting PechaKucha event!
Our lineup of dynamic speakers includes experts in STEM education, astrophysics, aeronautical engineering, photography, and astrology, all sharing their unique perspectives on outer space and the UAE's role in space exploration.
From stunning space photography to inspiring strategies for promoting STEM education, our speakers will take you on a journey through the cosmos and offer a glimpse into the fascinating world of space exploration.
Featured Speakers:
Nirmal Rajah, STEM Education Specialist
Dr Mashhoor Al-Wardat, Professor of Astrophysics
Rawand Alhashmi, Student of Aeronautical Engineering
Obaid Al Budoor, Photographer (Header image credit)
Briar Jacques, Astrologer and Psychologist