16 December 2022–18 December 2022


Cinema Akil

A 3 day film-festival featuring the new and exciting contemporary cinema from Italy. The selection includes award-winning films blurring lines between fictional and essay work and you’ll also get the chance to meet the filmmakers! 

Starts 16 December 2022

Ends 18 December 2022

Venue Cinema Akil

Warehouse 68

Register Now


In collaboration with The Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Abu Dhabi, Cinema Akil presents N.I.C.E, a 3 day film-festival featuring the new and exciting contemporary cinema from Italy. The selection includes award-winning films blurring lines between fictional and essay work such as Californie by Alessandro Cassigoli and Casey Kauffman or Journey Into the Twilight by Augusto Contento. With family dynamics at their core, Santa Lucia (Marco Chiappetta), Girl Returned (​​Giuseppe Bonito) and The Code of Silence by Francesco Costabile are pushing the boundaries of storytelling and invite the audience into new realms and reflections.