26 February 2024

Listening for Traces: Conflict. Sound. Memory

Talk by Cathy Lane

Part of Alserkal Art Week

Starts 5:00 pm

Venue Alserkal Arts Foundation

Warehouse 50/51


Cathy Lane is an artist, composer and academic. She works primarily in sound, combining oral history, archival recordings, spoken word and environmental recordings to investigate histories, environments, our collective and individual memories and the forces that shape them. She is inspired by places or themes which are rooted in everyday experience and particularly interested in ‘hidden histories’ and historical amnesia and how this can be investigated from a feminist perspective through the medium of composed sound.

Most of her work is in the form of gallery installations, concert pieces, books and essays. Books include: Playing with Words: The Spoke Word in Artistic Practice (RGAP, 2008) and, with Angus Carlyle, In the Field (Uniformbooks, 2014), a collection of interviews about field recording in contemporary sound art; On Listening (2013), essays about how listening is used in a wide variety of disciplines; and Sound Arts Now (2021), an exploration of contemporary artistic practice. Her CD The Hebrides Suite, explores aspects of life, past and present, in the Outer Hebrides, Scotland, through the medium of composed sound.

Cathy Lane is Professor of Sound Arts at University of the Arts London and directs Creative Research in Sound Arts Practice (CRiSAP), a UAL research centre.

5PM |
Common Room, Alserkal Arts Foundation


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