Theatre & Dance
3 June 2022–4 June 2022

Contemporary dance performance VIS MOTRIX by CocoonDance (Germany)

Presented by Goethe-Institut and HIBA Art Project

Sima Performing Arts

VIS MOTRIX creates some strange as well as fascinating beings. The dancers seem to come from another world, they move through space and merge into an organism, a mixture of human beings and machines, creating a hypnotic power that one can not escape.

Starts 3 June 2022

Ends 4 June 2022

Venue Sima Performing Arts

Warehouse 38

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VIS MOTRIX creates some strange as well as fascinating beings. The dancers seem to come from another world, they move through space and merge into an organism, a mixture of human being and machine, creating a hypnotic power that one can not escape. What is the driving force, the soul (Vis Motrix) behind the movements of these hybrid beings? CocoonDance continues with this production its research of the “unthought” body: transhumanism as a traumatic round dance that does not leave our unconsciousness untouched.

Dancers: Fa-Hsuan Chen, Martina De Dominicis, Tanja Marín Friðjónsdóttir, Margaux Dorsaz • Choreography: Rafaële Giovanola • Composition, Sound: Franco Mento • Light, Space: Gregor Glogowski • Costumes: CocoonDance • Choreographic assistance: Leonardo Rodrigues • Dramaturgy, Concept: Rainald Endraß • Management: Mechtild Tellmann.

The Performance in Dubai is supported by the Ministry of Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Funded by: Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Bundesstadt Bonn, Théâtre-ProVS, Le Conseil de la Culture Etat du Valais, La Loterie Romande
CocoonDance was founded in 2000 by choreographer Rafaële Giovanola and dramaturg Rainald Endraß. Swiss-born Giovanola was a soloist in Turin before being brought to the Frankfurt Ballett by William Forsythe for the duration of eight years. After this, she worked with Pavel Mikuláštik’s Choreographisches Theater, with Bonn as the last station. Since its founding, the company has produced about forty full-length productions that have toured through five continents and been invited to showcase festivals in Germany and Switzerland like the TANZPLATTFORM DEUTSCHLAND in 2018 and 2020. More about the company and their works at